Hi, I'm


On the server side, I enjoy working with Ruby on Rails. I write tests using rspec but I don’t follow a strict Test Driven Development workflow. The best advise I was given is that I should never let my own inexperience stop me from writing code and exploring what happens when I run it. Tests are great to give myself immediate feedback on what I’m programming but there’s nothing wrong with admitting that I don’t know enough to ensure that my tests are actually useful or that it’s hindering me from learning at some points. I use Bootstrap or Foundation to start positioning sections of html along grids and styling common elements like navigitaion bars and form inputs but I know how to work with css without relying on them. I use jquery to include behavior in the client side and I have enough exposure with the ember that I’m very excited to learn more about what I can build with it.

I never thought I would call myself a programmer because of all my preconcieved misconceptions about the field and I'm always amazed when I say it out loud. There's never a dull moment when I'm learning and I've come to enjoy debugging. My head starts playing the Pokemon bug catcher theme song and fixing one reminds me of the feeling I get when I finish a good series.

I was born in Manila, Phillipines and my family imigrated to the US when I was seven years old. I've lived in California ever since and specifically the Bay Area. I have an old 93 Chevy Cavalier which I consider as my second home because it's taken me to every corner of the Bay since High School. It's old, rusty and has had it's fair share of problems but has always taken me to the places I needed to go.

Skill Set










More About Me

What are your favorite hobbies?

I love to draw and write in my free time. I've always thought that there was something special about being able to create something new from shapes, lines, words, and now code. Outside of those, I also enjoy reading books, mangas and going on a Netflix binge every other week.

What’s your dream job?

I'm not sure what my dream job would be but it has to be a cross section of working with the communities around the Bay Area, somehow related to Art, and have a strong mentoring environment. A place where those three things intersect would be the dream for me.

What’s your background?

I went to UC Berkeley for Chemistry but ever since I was introduced to web development, I've spent as much time as I can learning about it. Most of that time was spent learning Ruby and Rails but I'm working on upping my front-end skills. I'm also proud of the time I spent working on a school publication called Maganda Magazine where I learned how to use Photoshop and InDesign, about my own culture along with it's unique history, and about writing in general.

What music have you been listening to lately?

Ever since Kendrick Lamar dropped his new album, I've been listening to it almost religiously along with Run the Jewels 2.


          ofKarma clone
Startup landing page clone

Screenshot of changing the
          Times styles
Using the Chrome Dev Tools

Screenshot of jquery
          streetfighter page
Using jQuery to animate Ryu

Screenshot of Shopping cart
          todo app
Using jQuery to make a shopping list

Screenshot of hot or cold
          guessing game
Using jQuery to make a number guessing game

Screenshot of summer quiz
          multiple choice game
Using jQuery for a multiple choice game

Screenshot of google
          map with weather icons
Google map api with a weather layer

Screenshot of treebook
Social Media web app

Screenshot of microblogging
Michael Hart's tutorial application

Screenshot of yelp-clone
A clone of Yelp using Ruby on Rails

Screenshot of etsy-clone
A clone of Etsy using Ruby on Rails

I'm always interested about finding new resources to learn so feel free to contact me with advice, opportunities out there that would fit my skill set and experience, or just to say hi!