I started this project by creating all
the html forms and buttons for the quiz. Each question would have markup similar
to this:
<div id="question-1">
<h2>Where does the phrase 'dog days of summer' come from ?</h2>
<input type="radio" name="q1" id="q1-a" value="dogs" /> Lazy Dogs
<input type="radio" name="q1" id="q1-b" value="movie" /> Reference from a movie
<input type="radio" name="q1" id="q1-c" value="novel" /> A term coined from a famous novel
<input type="radio" name="q1" id="q1-d" value="star" /> A star
<input type="submit" value="Final answer">
The other important html markup involved elements that are initially hidden using
the css property display. They’re shown depending on which answer is chosen.
Once the app worked, I migrated the questions into Javascript
objects and worked towards making the functions reusable. I created each
question by calling the createQuestion function.
var question1 = new createQuestion("1","Where does the phrase 'dog days of summer' come from ?",
"Lazy dogs", "A reference", "A term coined from a famous novel", "A star",
"A star");
function createQuestion(id, question, a, b, c, d, answer) {
this.id = id;
this.question = question;
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
this.d = d;
this.answer = answer;
return this;
Afterwards, I added them to an array and looped through it to create the forms.
The previous css still worked and the questions are hidden until the
corresponding submit handler is called.
var questionList = [question1, question2, question3, question4, question5 ];
for (var i = 0, l = questionList.length; i < l; i ++) {
var v = questionList[i];
var result = createQuestionform(questionList[i]);
function createQuestionform(obj) {
var result = $("<div id='question-"+obj.id+"'>"+
"<input type='radio' name='q"+obj.id+"' value='"+obj.a+"'/>"+obj.a+"<br>"+
"<input type='radio' name='q"+obj.id+"' value='"+obj.b+"'/>"+obj.b+"<br>"+
"<input type='radio' name='q"+obj.id+"' value='"+obj.c+"'/>"+obj.c+"<br>"+
"<input type='radio' name='q"+obj.id+"' value='"+obj.d+"'/>"+obj.d+"<br><br>"+
"<input type='submit' value='Final answer'>"+
return result;
I also used Pixlr to shrink the images from
Unsplash so that they would be more web
The number guessing game project
design and the initial html was provided to allow students
to focus solely on the logic behind the game.
I’ve created a similar
through Sinatra before and the logic I used was very similar to that. Instead of
a post request to the server, a submit function captures the input and calls
several functions to check which feedback to use. The event.preventDefault
was not placed in the end because the next if statement checks if an
input is valid and could subsequently exit out of the function before the rest
of the methods are called.
$( "#guess" ).submit(function( event ) {
var input = +$("input").val();
if (input > 100 || input <= 0) {
return invalid();
var feedback = checkGuess(input);
The invalid function sets the feedback message to tell the user to enter a valid
function invalid() {
$('#feedback').text('Please make a guess between 1 and 100');
A new game button restarts the process when
clicked or when the maximum allowed guesses is reached. This function is also
responsible for setting the new secretNumber and resetting the count to 0.
This function also tells the user that the count has been reset and
removes all of the old guesses.
The increaseCount function raises the count variable by 1 and appends the
previous guess to the page. This function is always called by the submit button
unless the user inputs an invalid number.
function increaseCount(guess) {
count += 1;
The checkGuess function handles the game logic by giving a specific feedback
based on how far the guess is from the secretNumber.
function checkGuess(guess) {
if (Math.abs(guess-secretNumber) >= 50) {
return 'Ice cold';
} else if (Math.abs(guess-secretNumber) > 30) {
return 'cold';
} else if (Math.abs(guess-secretNumber) > 20) {
return 'warm';
} else if (Math.abs(guess-secretNumber) > 10) {
return 'hot';
} else if (Math.abs(guess-secretNumber) > 1 ) {
return 'very hot';
} else {
return 'You got it right!';
In the future, I would like to further refactor the game so that there are less
responsibilities in the submit handler. Also, instead of Math.abs(), the game
should be able to say if the guess us too high or too low.
This shopping list project is an
example of creating a basic todo list. I used
to pick out the color combinations I included and the process involved
appending and removing nodes in the app for the list.
I was creating the list items dynamically and I created variables to hold the
string for the three types of button; to delete the item, to mark the item as
acquired, and to undo that mark.
var del_btn = "<button class='fa fa-trash-o'></button>";
var check_btn = "<button class='fa fa-check-circle-o'></button>";
var times_btn = "<button class='fa fa-times'></button>";
The next part of the script was the submit event handler appends a new item to
the list unordered list.
$( "#item" ).submit(function( event ) {
var x = $("input").val();
The next three statements were created using the on event handler and
attaching them to the three variable buttons created. I used on instead of
click because the latter would only attach the click function if the button
exists when the page is first loaded.
The third project
introduced the idea behind click handlers in jQuery and using the
method. The process involved learning how images are loaded along with how
styles can be included and hidden until Javascript includes the images.
The whole script was relative small and involved six actions;
keydown, and
keyup. The first one would hide the still
Ryu image and replace it with a looping gif of Ryu swaying in place.
keydown checks if the x key was pressed first and goes through if else
statements to show which image to hide then show Ryu striking a pose
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if (88 == e.which) {
if ($('.ryu-ready').is(':visible')){
} else if ( $($('.ryu-throwing').is(':visible')) ) {
} else {
keyup does the opposite and hide Ryu striking a pose.
.keyup(function(e) {
if (88 == e.which) {
if ($('.ryu').mouseenter()) {
} else {
During my first implementation of the project, I didn’t differentiate between
the different images during the keydown event and it would produce multiple
images when it was called. I’m not quite sure what was happening so I added the
if else statements to check what state Ryu was in before continuing.
Chrome Developer Tools involved the next Thinkful
I added and it was a brief introduction to what was available to a developer.
There’s a lot of tools available from there, and I know I’ve only scratched the
surface, but it’s great how useful that little bit of knowledge has been.
I spent most of my time using the
elements tab to
view how the html tags were structure and to view the styles implemented there.
Changing the styles also allowed me to get a glimpse on how the rest of the page
was marked up and it was a great way to figure out the right positions without
editing the stylesheets over and over again.
The console tab was the
second most panel that I spend my time with because it’s great for debugging and
allows anyone to run a snippet of Javascript code to see how it works. I’m
getting into the habit of adding multiple console logs in my Javascript script
to see how a variable changes when it’s called. This allows me a window to see
if the functions I write are behaving the way I expect them to.
Other than those two, I’ve also been using the
resource tab to
check if the assets are being loaded correctly and the sources tab to see the
exact scripts being loaded. I’m looking into another add on to Chrome called
RailsPanel to see how much it could help
me when I write Rails applications.
The first project
I went through in Thinkful was creating a landing page from a
design they gave me. I’ve been accustomed to using bootstrap to setup navigation
and positioning elements throughout the page so this excercise was relatively
simple and also extremely useful.
I did not realize how much of the basics of html and css I had forgotten
until I was unable to use concepts like padding and nested elements. The
box model is the
basis for a lot of styles and
are just as important since you would not be able to apply those styles without
knowing which one to declare. Being reintroduced to those two details alone made
the project worth it.
Also, I found tools like FontFaceNinja and
ColorZilla very useful. I knew how to use the
Chrome Developer tools to check the html markup and styles for the page but that
felt like I would be cheating myself from learning.
The next step would be learning more about how to organize those styles. After
including so many to each individual element, I kept on feeling like there
should be a better way to go about it. Even after one day away from that
stylesheet, it was very difficult to come back and add more styles without
declaring new statements at the bottom. I know that overriding styles is the
main idea behind CSS, but I always thought that it should be for inherited
styles instead of multiple selectors for the same element.
Another step after that would be learning a preproccessor like
Sass along with libraries such as
Compass and Bourbon.