There are a lot of resources I need to go through and many things I need to learn. I’m aiming to go through a big chunk of them this month and start better habits before the new year.
Continuous Todo List
- Code everyday inspired by Jennifer Dewalt.
- Better git commit messages
- Contribute to open source tools that I’ve been using, possibly using 24pullrequests.
General Todo List
- Learn more about Rspec and fixtures/factories.
- Learn about functional programming through JavaScript and see how it can be applied with Ruby’s procs and lambdas.
- Learn how to use Linux commands like
Books to read
- Pragmatic Programmer
- Mythical Man Month
- Learn to Program
- Secrets of the Javascript Ninja
- Well Grounded Rubyist
- Metaprogramming Ruby: Program Like the Ruby Pros
- Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer
- Ruby Science
- The RSpec Book: Behaviour Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends
Even more questions
- What is NGINX?
- What is Mongrel’s parser?
- What is Event Machine network I/O library and how does it work?
- How does Rack middleware and Rack in general work with Ruby web applications?
- What is the difference between multi-threaded servers and multi-process servers?
- What is the difference between eager loading and lazy loading?
- How could I use capistrano, chef or puppet ?
- What is the difference between authentication and authorization in a Rails app?
- What is and how does garbage collection work in Ruby?
- How does the Rails asset pipeline differ from other pipelines in frameworks like Middleman ?