Lately, I’ve been envious of graphic text editors and the way they navigate through project files. I’ve been doing a lot of tutorial projects in Ruby and Javascript along with cloning documentation from github as a reference offline. I downloaded atom to accomplish this but I’m sacrificing the speed of working with a vim/tmux setup. After watching Upcase’s latest Weekly Iteration on Vim, I decided to try achieving a deeper understanding of Vim’s capabilities.
Rails Vim commands
- Install Vundle pluginsgf
- Go to FileCTRL + o
- Go back to the previous fileCTRL + i
- Go forward in visited files:jumps
- List visited filesRcontrollerJump
- to relevant controller, as if you are in a model file, and you want to jump to its controller.RmodelJump
- to the modelRviewJust
- add the name of the view like (index, show, edit) to jump to the relevant view.RunittestJump
- to the relevant unit test.RfunctionaltestJump
- to the relevant test.RintegrationtestJump
- to the integration test, integration spec, or cucumber feature specified.RspecJump
- to the given spec.RmigrationUse
- tab completion to choose from the available migrations and jump to one of them.RschemaJump
- to the project schema.RmailerJump
- to the given mailer.RhelperJump
- to the given helper.RjavascriptJump
- to given JavaScript or CoffeScript file.RstylesheetJump
- to given stylesheet.RtaskJump
- to given task.RlibJump
- to given lib, if no arguments specified it jumps to the Gemfile.RlayoutJump
- to the layout of the current controller.:RV
- Open files in vertical split windows:RS
- Open files in horizontal splits:RT
- Open files in new tabs:RD
- Open files in current buffer:Rgenerate migration add_something_to_tablename
- Running, Restarting, and Killing the Serve:Rpreview
- Open the correct URL for the current file
map <Leader>t :call RunCurrentSpecFile()<CR>
map <Leader>s :call RunNearestSpec()<CR>
map <Leader>l :call RunLastSpec()<CR>
map <Leader>a :call RunAllSpecs()<CR>
Vim plugins to checkout
vim-snipmate - Creates code templates
ag.vim - Searching similar to grep and ack
tcomment_vim - A plugin to comment out blocks of code
vim-ruby-refactoring - Shortcuts for common ruby refactoring techniques
vim-bundler - Ability to run bundler from vim
Commands I’ve learned
gem pristine --all --only-executables
rails _4.1.0_ new respond_to_4.
gem install rails -v "~>4.0.0"
rake paperclip:refresh:missing_styles